The only platform that makes gaming constructive
''Arcade Mobile System'' destined to game studios, developers, players, & high-end products lovers.
After 4 years of development and a working prototype (Instagram). Discover or rediscover the joy full of what makes a great game session, through an original and ''trully new'' angle. A disruptive, innovative and affordable project, which redefines accessibility for all.
Soon, you'll relive the feeling of the day you said: "Older, I'll have this arcade!" If you're to young, just say "Take my Money!"
First, we'll have to launch our ''Kickstarter'', hire devs, improve our software and more than that, seduce everyone.
Your help is highly requested so please, spread the message around you, it will be much appreciated by our supporters.
Nothing new in the game industry !?
To give another breath and reshape your Gaming eXperience, support us!
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